Certified Guarantee
The Catalan Council of Integrated Production is committed to quality production with a certified guarantee. The quality and safety of food is guaranteed by the granting of an official certification that includes the image of a ladybird which is the hallmark of integrated production in Catalonia.
Consult our Informative Notes
An initial inspection is carried out on 100% of the production and processing operators registered in the Council’s Register. Each control and certification body (ECC) inspects and audits the corresponding operators. The following aspects are controlled:
- Limit, crop use and crop rotation
- Previous year’s operating book
- Previous year’s operating book
- Soil analysis: water and leaf analysis
- Data from analysis documents
- Quality System (Groupings)
- Previous year’s processing book
- Previous year’s processing book
- Occupational Risk Prevention Plan (PRL)
- Waste management of packaging
- Condition of facilities
Only in the first year of registration in the Council’s Registry, or when the operator substantially modifies their application to the Registry, a field inspection is carried out in order to verify the adequacy of the application with the presented data. Once the inspection has been passed favorably, the certification procedure can be initiated.
Only operators who have been inspected at first inspection with a favorable result may be certified individually, or as part of the scope of a joint certification. The result of the inspection is considered to be favorable when the operator has the documentation accrediting compliance with the control points of the initial inspections, either at the same time as the inspection or after having submitted, within the period of 15 days, the documentation proving compliance with the controlled point.
Certification audits may coincide with inspections.
THE CHECKLIST is the key document of the certification process. This list contains all checkpoints (obligations and prohibitions) in order to verify compliance with crop-specific rules and general rules.